Web Central 3D Navigator

Web Central 3D Navigator

Integrate building models and data for full building and asset lifecycle management from initial design/build to real estate, facility and business operational processes.


  • Provide a common operating picture for design/build, real estate, infrastructure, and facility professionals for full lifecycle management of building assets
  • Connect multiple building models and data to ARCHIBUS to visualize buildings, space, assets and systems
  • Search through the full portfolio of CAD plans and BIM data to optimize space use, capital investments and asset lifecycle
  • Empower facilities staff with easy access to building information for maintenance, condition assessment, project management, compliance and emergency preparedness
  • Provide a 3D view of your building portfolio for real estate and facilities professionals to plan and optimize real estate, space, workplace, and capital needs


Leverage 3D visualization and analytics for strategic lifecycle management of your organization’s physical assets

With the ARCHIBUS Web Central 3D Navigator™, building information models and data are incorporated directly into the larger ARCHIBUS Enterprise Information Model (EIM™) for a holistic lifecycle view of design/build, operations and strategic planning for the entire asset portfolio. Users can leverage 3D visualization, analytics and enterprise data for strategic planning and management of capital assets over their lifecycle processes, including: design/build, commissioning, operations, space utilization, and capital project planning. By using the ARCHIBUS Web Central 3D Navigator, professionals from engineering to operations and business can intuitively collaborate on a common operating picture of their organization’s buildings and properties.

Needs Analysis & Requirements Development

Needs Analysis & Requirements Development

Starting a Consulting Project with Robotech is a simple process that begins with a call, email or meeting. These contacts serve at the starting point. In these initial meetings we’ll work on “Need Analysis”. The Need Analysts phase of a Robotech consulting project addresses one of the most fundamental requirements for project success.



Need Analysis
The Need Analysts phase of a Robotech consulting project addresses one of the most fundamental requirements for project success. Its  always a high-level view of the project’s goals and constraints. It is a form of early planning.

During the Need Analysis phase we will explore the options available that best fit your needs. Depending on your needs we will present you with options on how to get things done.  If you already have a legacy system in-place we can look at its data and how to transfer and reuse any existing data to make things more efficient. We will have sessions with your users to find-out what they need to accomplish and how. Also look for whats missing from the current setup and how to improve and streamline your business.

Once we have a better idea of what you’re trying to accomplish we’ll work on getting your requirements.

Requirements Planning
During this step we will focus on planing how the new system will work for the desired project goal.  Our project team will work with you to create the processes, define the user roles, create SLAs and  identify the integration points with other systems, data standards and data migrations required and reports.

Based on these requirements we will compare and match how ARCHIBUS out-of- the-box applications meet your needs and see if any customizations are required to fill any missing gaps.

After all the requirements are assembled the Robotech Consulting team will develop time estimates for configuration, implementation and user training. The Project Manager will assemble the time estimates into a preliminary Project Plan which will spell-out responsibilities and timelines.


  • Functional Specification document
  • Updated Project Plan
Design, Development & Implementation

Design, Development & Implementation

In the Design and Implementation phase we’ll take all the information gathered on the Needs Analysis step and develop a Design. Depending on if the project will be hosted internally or Cloud Hosted by Robotech we will create a working system that will be used to conduct user testing and acceptance. This same system will later be the base for the Production “Live” system.

The Design phase involves mapping out the data and processes of the system,  user interface components, data integrations and mapping, using ARCHIBUS Connectors, or other back-end methods to integrate to other systems. If there are other requirements such as Single Sign On (SSO) they will also be included in this step.

Throughout the design phase, the Robotech Project Manager will schedule detailed design reviews with our technical Application Engineers and the client’s key stakeholders and technical resources to ensure that the design will meet all business processes and IT policies. As part of the design phase, the Application Engineer will try to attempt to keep the implementation as close to out-of-the-box as possible. Documenting any customizations/enhancement needed.

Development & Implementation
The Development phase is where the actual system implementation and integration occurs. The project team will convert the requirements in the Technical Specification Documents into a deployable solution. This phase may consist of application configuration, data dictionary configuration, schema design and implementation, Web form and report development, business logic implementation and ARCHIBUS Connector configuration for system and data integrations.

The project team members responsible for the implementation of the functional solutions are also responsible for writing and executing Unit-Tests on the components for which they are responsible. Throughout the Develop phase, the Project Manager will schedule sessions with the client to review the solution implementation and monitor progress. 

As the functional components are substantially complete, the project team will conduct full, end-to-end system integration tests with representative sample/test data. A demonstration of the final implementation will be scheduled before delivery to ensure that the requirements are met.

In addition to implementing the solution, the project team will create the procedures, scripts, and Connectors necessary to migrate the legacy systems and load any required data into the system during the migration from DEV to UAT and Production.

The project team will document the solution, develop initial training materials and test-cases to aid the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process.


  • System Solution
  • Release Notes
  • UAT Test Cases
  • Training Materials (end-user and/or train-the- trainer)
  • Migration procedures and scripts
System Integration and Data Migration

System Integration and Data Migration

Designed to Integrate 

Ensure a centralized and accurate data repository, no matter what systems you use.

ARCHIBUS applications share one database. Update one, update them all.

Integrate with any ERP system, including HR and financial systems

Integrate with IoT sensors and cameras, from smart buildings to smart cities


Intergrate ARCHIBUS with other ERP applications such as Human Resources, Financial, and Security systems etc.  Robotech Consulting can deploy multiple tools and techniques to integrate to your enviroment:

Data Migration
As companies retire legacy systems. Or update/upgrade into ARCHIBUS. There’s data that can be migrated out of the outgoing system. Robotech will work to gather and import the data into ARCHIBUS. This saves you time and money. It also ensures that you dont loose data already collected.

It’s important to be aware of how could blockchain be hacked because, blockchain is the underlying tech layer made up of a decentralized ledger, and a very secure data structure as there are a lot of distributed nodes that participate in the consensus algorithm. In order to hack the blockchain, hackers should exploit vulnerabilities in a lot of decentralized nodes, which is theoretically almost impossible. The DC Forecasts Crypto News Team can help you understand what challenges and opportunities are in the offing for the crypto world. The team consists of highly skilled writers and editors who are experts in the crypto sphere. One of the hardest things to do in business is to forecast sales – accurately. No matter how much effort and research you put into it, you never know with certainty if and when your customers will purchase your product. Yet, forecasting is critical for managing your business. If you forecast too low, you may not be able to respond to your demand and customers may choose another vendor. If you forecast too high, you may build unneeded inventory, which potentially becomes obsolete. Just as bad, inventory ties up your cash. There are several external factors that affect your sales forecast, including economic conditions, competitor activities and other priorities that may delay your customers’ purchasing decisions. Many describe sales forecasting as more art than science, as you try to predict when your potential customers will actually place an order. Some industries, especially those with long lead-times or complex installations, have an easier time projecting sales 12 months out because orders are placed well in advance. However, most companies operate with much shorter lead-times, which makes forecasting sales difficult. There is an element of psychology in forecasting. So make an effort to read between the lines as you try to understand what your sales people and their customers are really telling you. This is difficult, but in time you will get to know which of your sales people or sales channels are too optimistic and which are too conservative. Study the trends of their actual purchases compared to their forecasts so you can better calculate true product demand. Your skill at “deciphering” a forecast submitted from your team can be a real asset. The top levels of your performance indicators are your sales KPIs. They are the drivers of the revenue line in your accounts. More importantly the DuPont model formula shows that an increase in sales without an increase in your funds employed has a multiplier effect on your business return. That simple, irrefutable fact is the reason that good working capital management is so vital. Revenues are the prime source of your working capital. If they shrink below your cost of goods and your expenses, you are consuming capital, and your solvency is at risk. One of the principles of working capital management is that you should keep your stock levels and fixed costs in a reasonably stable relationship to your sales. Fail to do this and liabilities will inevitably rise as your cash flow turns negative. Because costs are incurred before sales can be made, to keep the two in balance you have to predict sales and plan your present commitments to match the prediction. If you under- or over-estimate sales, you will have trouble either in supplying your customers, or in filling up the store with slow moving goods. It is even worse in a service business because you cannot store time. Your people resources are a fixed cost in the short term. Economists call them “sticky” because it is hard to juggle them at short notice like a production schedule. The inevitable result of either condition is a cash flow problem. The only question is “How long does it take for the wave to roll up from behind and swamp the boat?” The simple fact is that inaccurate sales forecasts are a huge source of inefficiency in every business. All your efforts to fine-tune your business by performance measurement and management are futile if your sales forecasts are wildly inaccurate.

Some cryptocurrency users prefer to keep their digital assets in a physical “wallet,” most often a device that looks like a USB stick; they can only be accessed to vpnform.com into a computer and require an internet connection in order for a user to access and move their cryptocurrency funds. The modern concept of cryptocurrency is becoming very popular among traders. A revolutionary concept introduced to the world by Satoshi Nakamoto as a side product became a hit. Decoding Cryptocurrency we understand crypto is something hidden and currency is a medium of exchange. It is a form of currency used in the block chain created and stored. This is done through encryption techniques in order to control the creation and verification of the currency transacted. Bit coin was the first cryptocurrency which came into existence. Cryptocurrency is just a part of the process of a virtual database running in the virtual world. The identity of the real person here cannot be determined. Also, there is no centralized authority which governs the trading of cryptocurrency. This currency is equivalent to hard gold preserved by people and the value of which is supposed to be getting increased by leaps and bounds. The electronic system set by Satoshi is a decentralized one where only the miners have the right to make changes by confirming the transactions initiated. They are the only human touch providers in the system. Forgery of the cryptocurrency is not possible as the whole system is based on hard core math and cryptographic puzzles. Only those people who are capable of solving these puzzles can make changes to the database which is next to impossible. The transaction once confirmed becomes part of the database or the block chain which cannot be reversed then. Cryptocurrency is nothing but digital money which is created with the help of coding technique. It is based on peer-to-peer control system. Let us now understand how one can be benefitted by trading in this market.

FM Training

FM Training

We consider training to be one of the most important components in any Archibus project, and it involves a combination of software training, relevant business consulting and users coaching over a period of time. The training is uniquely tailored to the organization we are implementing for. We provide training for the required applications, features and tools, and train the users on how to produce, maintain and manage CAFM drawings and data to establish an Archibus space portfolio. Each training manual is developed specifically for the way Archibus is configured and deployed at your organization. One of our training goals is developing with you a training manual simple enough that someone can reference it after training and be able to understand how to use the application.


Available training topics:

    • Beginners training  for specific applications
    • System and database administrator training
    • Deployment and system configuration training
    • Archibus Custom Topic Training / Coaching
    • Archibus Development Training



    • Training curriculum is customized for the company and users’ goals, data, applications and processes
    • Provided hands-on with the user(s) per their role
    • It involves consulting / training / coaching / documenting and working together on YOUR data
    • Training typically includes development of a Custom Guide for the users
    • Reports and Routines developed during training remain users property part of the system
    • Can be performed onsite, in our Training Center or in combination of both
    • Delivered by a senior experienced Application Engineer / Trainer
    • Provided in intervals to let students digest and make progress on their on
    • Normally combined with post-training Tech-Support program
    • Scheduled based on parties availability in 8, 6, or 4 hour sessions (remote sessions 2 hour minimum)
    • Initial recommended scope for new Archibus users is 40 hours