Archibus Meeting Room Management

Archibus Meeting Room Management

Your conference rooms are likely some of the most-used spaces in the workplace. Robotech with Archibus has tools to help monitor and manage meeting rooms for maximum efficiency.

Know Before You Book

Take the guesswork out of choosing the right room for your meetings. SpaceIQ provides the ins and outs of every conference space.

  • Room Photos: Share pictures of your meeting space with the people who’ll be joining you and know you’re in the right room
  • Capacity: Choose the right space for your gathering with clearly defined room sizes and how many occupants it can hold
  • Assets: Need video conferencing and whiteboard for your brainstorm session? See what assets each room offer before making a reservation

Simple Room Booking

SpaceIQ lets you find and book a conference room from our mobile app and via your
company web portal.

  • Find a Room: Our easy-to-view maps allow you to locate the best room for a specific event or gathering
  • Dynamic Organization: Easily add, sort, and find meeting rooms that are nearby and available now or at the same time
  • Book for Today or Tomorrow: Reserve a space for the ideal amount of time whenever you are heading into the office

Get Meetings on the Calendar

Our platform integrates with a number of calendar programs. This ensures bookings show
up on your and attendees’ calendars so there’s no doubt when it’s meeting time.

  • Calendar Integrations: SpaceIQ integrates with calendar programs, including Google Calendar (gcal), Outlook Calendar, Office 365 Calendar, and Apple Calendar
  • Calendar Interface: Add a hotel desk reservation to a favorite calendar program and never forget when to check in

    Sensors & Utilization

    Collect valuable information about room use and occupancy using integrated sensors.

    • Is Anyone There?: See if meeting rooms are used during reserved times, and for how long
    • Space Adjustments: Using sensor data, determine whether conference rooms are needed or if additional space is needed
    • Proximity for Efficiency: Does one department regularly use a meeting room, but employees must travel to get there? Analyze room data and relocate teams to maximize work time
      Book a Workspace with Archibus Workplace Portal

      Book a Workspace with Archibus Workplace Portal

      Mobile technologies, high-speed internet and secure VPN access enable personnel to work virtually anywhere. When employees are not physically in the office for most of their workday, they may not require a dedicated office space. Archibus’ Hoteling application supports this paradigm of flexible occupancy and enables organizations to refine their space utilization rates and realize efficiency and cost savings by creating agile neighborhoods and manage flexible occupancy for personnel that are not on-site full time.

      The Archibus Workplace Portal and Hoteling application with its self-serve Booking Tool, enables organizations to manage agile space and gain efficient utilization, enabling them to:

      • Better adapt to the ever changing work environment by offering agile office space.
      • Improve employee satisfaction by providing personnel with seats on an as-needed basis.
      • Improve productivity by enabling teams to find and book collaborative work space.
      • Analyze space utilization to determine space needs and adjust.
      • Provide employees with efficient self-serve tool for booking seats in advance.

      Perform Neighborhood Bookings [1:00m]

      Workplace Bookings with Amenities [0:41m]

      Clean Hoteled Rooms [1:57m]

      Track Shifts and Phases [1:10m]

      Book a Desk Near a Colleague [0:41m]

      What is Autodesk Forge and why is it important for Workplace & Facility Management

      What is Autodesk Forge and why is it important for Workplace & Facility Management

      What is Forge?

      Forge is Autodesk’s cloud development platform that can be used to build innovative, cloud-powered applications. Veteran AutoCAD users remember the third-party add-on applications that used Autodesk program interfaces (APIs) to boost AutoCAD functionality by creating new features. Based on the same concept, Forge is a cloud-based development platform with numerous application program interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) that allow for a wide variety of applications to be created, from viewing 3D models to transforming 2D images into 3D models, helping you connect workflows and enabling data to flow easily across projects and industries.

      Check out the video to see what kinds of solutions can be build using the Forge platform, and some examples of how companies are using Forge to streamline and innovate how they work.



      What Can You Do with Forge?

      • Improve existing software or build new custom solutions using industry standard web technologies
      • Accelerate your existing online workflows or create new solutions
      • Helps streamline the complexities of manufacturing, engineering, and construction industries by connecting players, components, and processes
      • Centralize your data and connect it to all points of the industry supply chain, empowering you to transform the manufacturing process
      • Create digital experiences that access any kind of design and engineering data—virtually anywhere, any time
      • Scale as your customers’ needs change or as you innovate


      Example:  How Resolve uses Forge in BIM Collaboration

      Resolve decided to try Forge APIs to make BIM 360 part of its immersive meeting workflows. The BIM 360 API did exactly what Resolve wanted, which was to seamlessly connect its solution to design models stored and shared in the cloud through BIM 360. As the Resolve team dug deeper, they realized that the BIM 360 API would help them quickly add features they’d planned to develop in-house, including integrated issue management and design option support.

      The founders of Resolve had a vision: use virtual reality (VR) technology and BIM (Building Information Modeling) to enable immersive design and construction coordination meetings. The idea was to let project teams “gather” in 3D design models to spot issues and collaborate to enhance designs before—or even during—construction. Where others were using VR for client presentations, Resolve created collaborative 3D environments. Many leading design and construction firms have adopted Resolve technology. They find that they can bring all project stakeholders together to work through issues. Plus, it’s easier to identify visual clashes that interference detection tools have difficulty spotting. Users like that Resolve works with sophisticated VR computing systems and standalone viewers, making it easy for any project stakeholder to join a meeting with a minimal equipment investment.


      Forge highlights include the following:

      • Saving as much as 6 months of development time for issue management and design option support
      • Helping customers launch immersive meetings instantly using the most up-to-date model
      • Speeding the process of addressing visual clashes by making VR coordination part of BIM 360 workflows


      Forge Integration in Archibus

      Building managers responsible for asset reliability and maintenance need access to all asset details that were established in BIM during design and construction. They need to be able to pull up that information online, in one place.

      Recent updates with Archibus have been focusing on integration with Autodesk Forge. This will enable you to:

      • Visualize system connections
      • Plan maintenance
      • Build digital twin integrations


      For more information contact [email protected] or call us at 201-792-6300

      Always contact Robotech first for more knowledgeable and personal service.

      Robotech provides Autodesk and Archibus technology with high quality tech support and training services.

      What’s New in Archibus V.2022.01

      What’s New in Archibus V.2022.01

      Click to download the release notes and review the revision history to learn about the new updates, Web Central enhancements, and Workplace features in the latest release, as well as these exciting integrations:

      • Autodesk Forge Building Console
      • BMS Integration Charts and KPIs