Start-to-Finish Preventive Maintenance Guide with an IWMS

Start-to-Finish Preventive Maintenance Guide with an IWMS

Even during a run-of-the-mill business year, proactive facility maintenance requires real-time analytics and planning to keep a building’s engines humming. Since our world has been anything but average since COVID-19 hit, that need has only intensified. One of the most valuable lessons for facility managers has arguably been the importance of a strategic preventive maintenance plan for everyday operations and crises.

By staying ahead of both foreseeable and unforeseeable obstacles, facility management teams can address the maintenance, upgrades, and replacement of workplace assets including HVAC, lighting, computers, furniture, printers, equipment and kitchen appliances.

This guide defines preventive maintenance, what it means for today’s businesses, and describes three critical steps to creating a solid, sustainable plan. Learn how technology empowers facility and workplace management teams.

Download the guide below:

Make Every Space Count with Space Management Software

Make Every Space Count with Space Management Software

What is space management? And why is it important? Space management and utilization is a concept that should be on every organizational leader’s mind. With rent and real estate prices skyrocketing in desirable cities, there’s never been a better time to figure out whether you’re using all the square footage you’re paying for to the best of its abilities. Even if you don’t operate in an expensive region, unused office space represents a massive point of waste that can easily be resolved when you use facility management software. Learn more about common areas of underutilization in office spaces and see what a smart workplace management software platform like SpaceIQ by Eptura can do for you as you work to make better use of the space you have.

Is Space Management What’s Missing from Your Office?

Empty space is a waste. There may be some circumstances in which the waste is temporary as the available space will be put to use within a defined period of time. But if you have some dead spaces in your office and no plans to add more employees or equipment in the near future, you’re essentially throwing money away every day those spaces go unused.

Some unused offices and spaces are obviously underutilized. Whether it’s an empty private office or a conference room that gets used maybe once or twice a year (and never to its full capacity), these spaces may as well not exist. But they do exist, and you’re paying for them. Identifying these points of underutilization isn’t as much of an issue. The real problem comes from more subtle unused areas. Desks that are occupied only on occasion, conference rooms with motion-detecting lights that seem to have people inside because the lights are always on, reception areas with cozy couches and stacks of magazines that seem vital in theory—these are all spaces that can be deceptively wasteful.

That makes facility management software and facility scheduling software vital to the efficient use of available office space. Subtleties that go unseen are easily detected, recorded and analyzed. You may be surprised by what you find, particularly in these four areas of frequent underutilization.

Private Offices

Getting one’s own office used to be a major hallmark of success at work, but moving up the corporate ladder has different signifiers now than it used to. There may be a few people in an organization who truly need a private office and, in most other cases, the office is a signifier of status. Perhaps that’s why these offices can be so hard to fill. Office equipment manufacturer Herman Miller released a study that revealed private offices remain unoccupied a whopping 77% of the time. What is the use of paying for that square footage if it’s only going to sit empty?

There are so many different reasons why this might be so. The people who are typically considered important enough to merit a private office are usually so high up that they do more than just sit at a desk performing routine tasks. From traveling to conferences to taking advantage of seniority and deciding to work from home or otherwise keeping limited hours in the office, it pays to use space management software to determine who truly uses their private office and who can be satisfied by a desk out on the floor with everyone else. Managers who are particularly engaged with their teams may actually enjoy the change. Herman Miller’s study shows that people actually tend to like working in environments that are more social, having the flexibility to move around. Doing away with private offices for some folks could be a way of introducing mobility to their work lives and allowing for easier collaboration.

Just like disk space management tools that maximize disk space, space management software, also known as facility scheduling software, can ensure space optimization by helping you identify which private offices tend to stay empty the most. The Herman Miller study further indicated that conference room space is rarely used to its full capacity and that smaller collaboration rooms tend to be more popular than large rooms. You could try a strategy of converting some private offices into a meeting or collaborative spaces and using SpaceIQ to track the level of engagement these converted rooms see. If those rooms still remain empty, you may want to consider renting out private offices to solo practitioners or offering those spaces as limited-use private workspaces for employees who need a quiet place to work as they finish an important project. No matter how you try to make use of these private office spaces, A Workplace Management Platform like SpaceIQ will make it easy to determine whether your space utilization solution is actually working out.


Individual workstations may be more widely available to a larger percentage of the entire organization, but the fact that these work areas aren’t limited to a select few doesn’t mean their utilization rate tends to be high. In fact, Herman Miller’s study indicates that workstations are occupied only 60% of the time, which is only a 17% improvement on private offices. That makes these spaces well worth watching and analyzing.

If you tend to see a lot of scattering with workstations that are partially occupied, engage with your teams and find out why this is. It could be that there simply aren’t enough team members in a given department to fill out that group’s designated bank of workstations. When this is the case, consolidating existing teams and perhaps reconfiguring the layout of your workstation areas can be helpful in converting those unused workstations into open desks that can be rented out to small companies or startups. You can also take your open desks as a sign that it’s time to reconsider your approach to staffing. With all that space available, why not expand? Ask department heads if they feel they could use some more help. In some cases, underutilization is actually an indication of understaffing. If filling those seats can help defray the cost of the wasted rent you’ve been paying for that space, all the better.

It also pays to take a look at how your employees tend to treat their time in the office. If your organization is one that allows work flexibility for some or all employees, assigned seating may not make sense. Keeping a dedicated desk for a developer who lives two hours away from the office and only comes in for a few hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays doesn’t make much sense. Instead, you can analyze who’s in the office when and make a determination on whether open seating would be a better idea for your organization. Organizations that only offer flexibility for a limited number of employees can either seat the telecommuters separately from everyone else, providing an open-seating workstation area and assigned seating for everyone else or convert to a 100% open arrangement for everyone regardless of flexibility status. Some departments may prefer to sit together but leave one seat open for various team members who may come in on different days.

No matter how you approach the issue, collecting data on which of the workstations in your office are used the most often and which are lonely and waiting to live up to their potential will give you a much better foundation from which to approach the workstation under-utilization issue than simple human observation alone.

Conference and Meeting Rooms

As mentioned above, large conference room spaces are often less important than we tend to think they are. If you aren’t giving large-scale presentations in that room more than once or twice a year, it may be time to rethink how you use that space. First, though, it’s important to collect some data. You may never see people in those rooms, but it could be that teams gather in your large conference room on a regular basis without drawing notice.

You’ll also want to see how many people tend to use these spaces on average. Herman Miller’s study indicated that even when they’re used, fewer people than the full capacity tend to occupy meeting and conference rooms. If the number of people meeting in your largest conference room could easily fit into the smallest with room to spare, some reconfiguring may be in order. Perhaps there’s not enough room to add the workstations you need, but if you move the water cooler and coffee maker into the conference room and turn it into more of a lounge space, you’ll still have a smaller conference room of sufficient space to accommodate everyone who tends to use it. Knowing which spaces are used too much and which aren’t used enough—particularly spaces with a large footprints such as a large conference room—gives you the room to get creative with your space management strategy.

The ability to tell which workstations aren’t getting used in an open seating arrangement can also help you address some employee satisfaction or comfort issues. Perhaps there’s a bank of workstations that are just a little bit too close to the bathroom. It could be that the majority of the people in your offices have tried the standing desk thing and found that they’d rather just sit, leaving your standing desk workstations dramatically underutilized. Pairing the data you collect with a Workplace Management Platform with discussions with or surveys of your employees can help you address the reasons behind under utilization and allow you to create a more comfortable and desirable office environment.

Alternatively, you can use this real estate forecasting information as part of your move management approach. You might have an underutilized conference room in your current space, but if you’re planning a move, there’s no need to make any big changes. However, this can inform your approach to the features your new space should have. No need to pay for another giant space that’s not going to get used.

Break and Reception Spaces

Conventional wisdom holds that an office should have a place for employees to eat their lunches and that there should also be a dedicated space for welcoming guests. However, these spaces may not get used very much and, if you have both an underused employee break space and a reception space that sees guests maybe once or twice a month, you can consider doing away with one or both of these spaces. In fact, if you have underutilized reception areas, break rooms and large conference rooms, you can think about turning the large conference room into a dedicated lounge space in which employees can put their feet up for a minute or guests can sit and wait in comfort without feeling like they’re in a fishbowl.

This may not work for the way you do business and that’s fine. The important thing is that you have the ability to use data as part of your approach to a new space utilization strategy.

Consolidating and Reimagining

Underutilization isn’t always as cut and dry as the categories above imply. There can be little areas here and there that simply don’t justify the money you pay for them. In some cases, it may simply be the cost of doing business, but it’s hard to know exactly how much of that space you have and how much available space you could create without a space management software program to give you an informed high-level view of what’s going on in the space.

One thing to also consider is that the use of lounge-style workspaces is an increasingly common element of the modern workplace. These are often multi-purpose spaces with configurable elements such as movable walls and configurable furniture that can support a variety of work postures. Companies can use these spaces for everything from all-hands meetings to industry presentations. When they’re not in use for group events, these lounge areas serve as causal places employees can sit and work together, eat their lunches or get a quick change of environment as they tease out a complex problem. Going for a multi-purpose approach can flip the issue of underutilization on its head. Consolidate the spaces that are currently unused and make room for a large multipurpose space. If you aren’t using it much, consider opening your doors for non-profits relating to your industry to host educational events or recruitment events for kids. That’s a valuable use of the space even if it isn’t directly contributing to your bottom line.

SOURCE Noam Livnat, Chief Product & Innovation Officer, SpaceIQ


Enabling Employees and Technicians with Archibus Mobile Solutions [On-Demand Webinar]

Enabling Employees and Technicians with Archibus Mobile Solutions [On-Demand Webinar]

In this On-Demand Webinar you will learn about Archibus mobile solutions that enable employees and technicians to do their best work, hosted by Mike Petrusky of The Workplace Innovator and Asset Champion Podcast.

Our seasoned Product Team Panelists – Fred Kraus, Greg Ayres, and Ying Qin dive into topics that tie together why mobile solutions are critical now more than ever.

Topics covered in this session are:

  • Why mobile solutions are a big part of workplace and facility-based technology strategies
  • How facility maintenance and employee experience management has evolved over the years
  • Challenges that employees face within the workplace

And More!

The Future of iOffice + SpaceIQ: Introducing Eptura to Archibus Customers [ON-DEMAND WEBINAR]

The Future of iOffice + SpaceIQ: Introducing Eptura to Archibus Customers [ON-DEMAND WEBINAR]

We are excited to announce that iOffice + SpaceIQ, which is the parent company of Archibus, is merging with the leader in workspace scheduling and visitor management, Condeco.

Together, these combined companies create a new parent brand called Eptura™ which stands for the epicenter of the future at work. This strategic combination creates a global worktech leader that provides software solutions to power the modern workplace.

The new Eptura parent brand is designed to bring more innovation to your iOffice solution. We have been investing in enhancing your user experience with new designs, workflows, accessibility enhancements and exciting additions to our roadmap.

We invite to watch the replay of our virtual webinar to hear from our experts about how the new company combination will accelerate the innovation that we can deliver to you.

The Value of BIM for FM Operations and Maintenance

The Value of BIM for FM Operations and Maintenance

In the drive to capture and leverage data for better business intelligence, many organizations still rely on different data sets for the separate life cycle phases, with first planning and construction and then ongoing operations and maintenance. 

But by disconnecting the data between departments and teams, you slow down processes, reduce asset life cycles, and drive up costs. The solution is to create a clear path for data from building information modeling (BIM) to facilities management (FM). 

Make the case for BIM to FM

Although it’s true that “Data is king,” the implications for owner groups and facility managers are more complex than that three-word maxim can capture. In fact, to better understand the roles and importance of data, it makes sense to be more specific and say, “Data is king, but it’s like the king in chess.” 

What this new expression lacks in brevity and impact, it makes up for in better understanding and additional application. Because once you think of data as the king in chess, you know both its importance and weakness. Losing your king means losing the game. But the king by itself is not inherently powerful; instead, you need both the king and your other chess pieces in exactly the right positions to win. 

And if you have most of your data tied up in BIM in the planning and construction phases, you’re only ever playing less than half the board. In fact, when it comes to the total cost of ownership (TCO), capital planning, design, and construction are usually only 20% of the overall costs. The rest, including portfolio planning, assets and maintenance, and workplace, are the other 80%. 

So, how do you leverage BIM for FM operations and maintenance? 

Remember, business information modeling to facilities management is a journey 

Here’s a good spot to switch metaphors. You can think of BIM to FM as a sort of journey, and so the first question becomes “What’s the destination?” 

In the end, you’re looking to improve productivity, enhance comfort and safety, and optimize sustainability. You get more done, it’s easier and safer to do it, and because everything lasts longer, you’re using less energy and creating less waste. 

But at the same time, BIM to FM is more than a simple journey, with a basic beginning, middle, and end. Instead, you should double-back periodically to ensure success at every step. It’s an iterative process and an ongoing work in progress. 

Start your BIM to FM journey with these three questions 

Every journey, even ones that move in loops instead of straight lines, needs to start somewhere, and you can start by asking yourself the following questions: 

  • Who is going to use the data? 
  • What data are we going to collect (and how are we going to collect it)? 
  • How can you validate and maintain the data? 

There are of course many more questions along the way, but these first three help you lay the foundations for a successful project. 

Who is going to use the data? 

Here, you want to be as specific as possible, and for many organizations, it makes sense to go as far as creating personas for each type of data consumer. Ask yourself, what information does this person in this role need to do their job better. Listing the different demands and challenges of each role can help you then match them with the right data. 

What data are you going to collect (and how are you going to do it)? 

The key here is making the move from data for as-built to data for as maintained. What are the differences? The first, as-built, is a huge body of static information, including everything that was delivered through the design and construction processes. 

The second, as maintained, is smaller, lighter, and can be just the essentials, including, for example: 

  • Walls 
  • Doors 
  • Windows 
  • Schematic equipment  

Another important difference is that data for as maintained is not static. Instead, it changes over time to reflect and accommodate the goals of operations and maintenance. 

On the level of a practical example, consider the differences between the types and amounts of data you need to build a car headlight assembly vs the types and amounts of data you need to maintain one. To manufacture one, you need to know everything about the required materials and dimensions. But for repairs and maintenance, it’s just the make, model, serial number, along with which bulbs to use as replacements and how and when to periodically check them. 

Now that you know what you need, it’s time to figure out how to get it. Even for something as simple as a door, there are a lot of steps, including: 

  • Schematic design 
  • Design development 
  • Construction drawings 
  • Shop drawings 
  • Final installation 

 And at each step, different data is generated, often by different stakeholders. BIM allows you to collect the data along the way, with each stakeholder adding data as they generate it. From there, you can aggregate everything into a single data record that you can feed into a CMMS. 

How can you validate and maintain the data? 

This step is critical because, in the end, if the data can’t be maintained, there is no point in capturing it at all. 

On top of that, any mistakes that you make tends to call into question all your other data. If you have 20 points of data, and two of them fall out of date, people are going to tend to distrust the other 18, even though they’re accurate. 

There are different tools sets that allow you to ensure the data can be trusted. For example, the Autodesk Standardized Tool for Revit. The goal is to create a bi-directional flow of data, from BIM to FM, that ensures accurate validation and ongoing maintenance. 

Archibus Mobile Framework

Archibus Mobile Framework

Better service delivery increasingly means faster and more accurate service delivery, a goal now made practical through implementation of the latest mobile technology.
The Archibus Mobile Framework, added to Web Central v.21 or later, delivers a new breed of secure, easily configurable, and customer-responsive apps, providing accurate facilities information when and where it is needed. Archibus creates mobile apps once which will run on a variety of late model, high-end mobile devices. And, new technology makes your data — including photos, campus plans, and floor plans — interactive, so that any authorized user can quickly locate spaces, people, assets, and tasks.



• Gives immediate access to graphical and non-graphical reports, forms, and views — anytime, anywhere — after initially connecting to a Wi-Fi, Internet, or cellular network
• Lowers the overall cost of providing a two-way exchange of information to/from a centralized repository to mobile-enabled personnel
• Supports hybrid mobile deployments, with an open-standard development environment for easy enhancement
• Supports semi-connected native mobile apps to ensure work continuity and productivity even when there is no connection available



Economical, Bi-Directional Data Exchange Increases Productivity

Archibus Mobile Framework Apps make the exchange of space, floor plan and other information accurate, instantaneous, and indispensable. Just as important, it replaces paper-based reporting with electronic forms that transmit data directly to a central repository, eliminating misplaced files and associated delays in retrieving them.
• Accelerate projects by accessing needed data and services at anytime, anywhere they are needed, from any standard device
• Enhance work-team coordination, internal customer satisfaction, and work cost chargeback
• Improve accuracy of location information for first responders to mitigate risk and associated costs
• Speed collection of data in the field and eliminate redundant data entry


Semi-Connected App Support and More

The Archibus Mobile Framework provides a cost effective, flexible infrastructure to simplify work processes and minimize the use of error-prone printouts and written notes.
• The Archibus Mobile Framework supports semiconnected native mobile apps to ensure work continuity and productivity even when there is no Internet connection available
• Supports a ”bring your own device” (BYOD) strategy
• Integrates mobile connectivity seamlessly with IT enterprise mobile governance policies

Apps for Core Mobile Capabilities

The Archibus Mobile Framework extends the existing Web Central application business logic to field personnel who need mobile access to Archibus data. It utilizes the workflow, validation, and data already defined in Web Central to enable location-based information access and creation. They include:

• Space Book App: Provides all facilities staff with quick and easy access to key building data and drawings on their mobile devices and also enables them to conduct paperless space surveys
• Maintenance App: Facilitates updating and completing work while in the field and also enhances the quality and accuracy of the information
• Asset Registration App: Scans and accepts assets singly or in bulk at the loading dock or shipping room
• Asset & Equipment Survey App: Supports creating and maintaining an asset inventory; completing work in the field to enhance the quality and accuracy of information
• Incidents Reporting App: Captures and reports on environmental, health and safety incidents and details
• Workplace Services Portal App: Supports request intake and processing for room reservations, A/V needs, etc.
• Space & Occupancy Survey App: Facilitates verification of space allocation, employee location and much more
• Mobile Executive Reports App: Generates metrics, alerts, and summary reports in the field
• Hazardous Materials App: Find the location of hazardous materials through graphical building, floor, and room drill-downs, edit inventory and more


Anywhere-Access to Graphical and Non-Graphical Reports

Archibus easily delivers graphical data the way your organization needs it. You can, for example, publish floor plans directly from within AutoCAD that then can be viewed in mobile devices. That means you can see floor plans, photos, forms and other graphical data with the same accessibility and clarity that users would expect if they were sitting at their desks. These capabilities make Archibus mobile apps a better way to share graphical and non-graphical information.
• Make presentations more effective and discussions more productive with space plans at your fingertips
• Create and post enterprise graphics on all your floor plans with just one click
• Publish, in a single action, allocation and vacancy highlights to the Space Book
• Take highlighted and labeled floor plans anywhere — even where there is no Wi-Fi connection
• Transfer images, such as photographs of building conditions, using the mobile apps synchronization feature